
“Nothing had ever been so dangerous and beautiful as him.” —Mischief Ardmore

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Mischief Ardmore is a Southern California-based romance and erotica author. She possesses a vivid imagination, an adventurous spirit, and a thorough love of naughty tales that offer a hint of otherworldliness and magic. Look for her upcoming title, Have Mercy, in mid-July 2016 at Cobblestone Press .

Also, now that you’re here, feel free to check out some flash fiction on Mischief’s blog.

Note: While you will find explicit language in Ms. Ardmore’s books, you will notice there is generally (with a few exceptions) a lack of it on this website. That is intentional and for the benefit of those stumbling across the site and wandering around to satisfy their curiosity.

While Mischief has no problem with just about any word in the English language—other than silly expressions like whatnot and what have you—she wants mischiefardmore.org to be a place where all adults feel comfortable. Like a sensual library or a really sexy shopping mall.


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